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New Moon in Libra (simple practices)

I know I am late with this since the New Moon was October 9th but the energy is still surging!! Here are a few things to do during the Full Moon Cycle.... Ashe

1. Write a list of all the things you wish to create for the next 30 days and fold it up and keep it with you. Look at it daily!

2. Write a list of all the things you no longer wish to carry (energies, attitudes, beliefs, PEOPLE!), things that no longer serve you. Make a small fire or spark a match and burn the list outdoors to embrace the energy of Mother Nature.

3. Create new affirmations about bringing new energy into your life and moving powerfully into a brighter future. One I have used for many years is:


4. Lastly, FEEL GRATEFUL!! This seems so minimal but it is one of the most important things you can do to bring in more energy and things in your life to be grateful for. What helps is to right a grateful list daily, you can start with five things and everyday add one more until you get to 20. You will be amazed at how it changes the way you "feel" about life.

There are so many practices to help yo along your way when changing cycles and the New Moon is one of the best times in the Cosmos to start new things. I will be sharing more practices with you that have been shared with me through many experiences had, friendships made and Teachers who have honored me with their knowledge.

So much love to all of you....ASHE

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