Do you wake up depressed on the days that you have to work? Is your week spent waiting for the weeks end so you can have days off and your weekends spent dreading the work week? If so, don't feel bad, you're not alone. 70% of employed Americans hate their "Stupid Jobs"!
So why are they still there? I'm sure the overwhelming response will be that bills have to be paid. This is true, no one wants to live on the street and we all want whats best for our children but how is this affecting your health? Did you know that stress can weaken or suppress your immune system?
In 1984 a study was done on 75 medical students where blood was taken prior to exams and during exams. T cell counts were up when there were no exams and down during test times, I'm going to guess it's because they were stressed!T cells are "helper cells" that assist with positive immune system response in the body to fight infections, virus etc. When they are not working for you, they may work against you causing Autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Celiac Disease even Type 1 Diabetes.
So what does this mean? It could be that your common cold isn't so common, stress could be a key factor in how your feeling. The question now is "what can you do about it?" There are many options but your willingness to take the steps depends on how much change you want to see. You can simply start by examining the term "you are what you eat". Check your refrigerator first, how are your eating habits?
Add some foods high in Omega 3 to your diet like Salmon, Walnuts or Flax. Omega 3 helps to boost neurotransmitters that regulate your mood. Eat more fruit, I love Banana's, they are my favorite good mood food because they have Tryptophan, an Amino Acid that converts to serotonin which helps to improve depression. Stay hydrated, even mild dehydration can cause poor moods, headaches and brain fog. Get active, don't sit in the break room and watch TV on your breaks, go for walk. Activity increases endorphins which helps to decrease stress.
If you've done all this and feel better but you still hate your job you may want consider an exit strategy. That's right, QUIT YOUR JOB! Find another one that your better suited for or create your own, live out your dreams, start a business. That may seem extreme but you have to ask yourself what's more important, your health or your job? If your ill, sleepy or depressed who can you help? You are your biggest asset and good health is a mandatory investment.