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But Doc', I'm VEGAN!

Vegan and Vegetarian diets and the people that partake in these regimens are growing by the second. People are beginning to question why High Fructose Corn Syrup and Yellow Dye #5 are common ingredients in food and neither item is actually a food itself. Everyone is beginning to feel a little Lactose intolerant these days. This is an awesome trend, one that I encourage and of which I am an active participant.

When changing to a plant based diet, you may think soy nuggets, tempeh and meatless sausages are reasonable substitions with every meal instead of the SAD (Standard American Diet) norm. Where your day consist of Pork bacon for breakfast, a burger for lunch and surf and turf for dinner with chips, coffee and little candies in between. Though making the change is tough and yes, you've stepped up your health game. You may still run the risk of serious illness.

People run from meat to "soy" substitutes but the dangers of soy have been well documented. The consumption of soy foods has been linked to breast, thyroid and many other forms of cancer. It's even said to cause growth problems in children. Another common mistake when making the switch from "meat eater" to "vej head" is to jump on the carb and starch train. This is a no-no! Starches are known to give a quick boost of energy and make you feel full or satisfied. However, over consumption of starch and carbohydrates cause weight gain, bloating, constipation and worst of all, it can be a pathway to becoming a Diabetic.

Carbs and starches both metabolize into sugar. These sugars have to be broken down into Glucose to be used by the brain and the body to energize you. If you are taking in too much, your body will call on hormonal reinforcements, namely insullin. This is of course what it's supposed to do. But if your pancreas is not creating proper amounts insullin due to poor eating habits the possibility of becoming a Diabetic can progress rather quickly. It's important to add complex carbohydrates like Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Beans and Whole Grains to your diet. These are metabolized by the body much slower, though you may not get a quick boost of energy your body will thank you later.

Add some sweet potatoes to give you a shot of beta carotene and when eating red or yellow potatoes boil or roast them. Do not fry them or use animal fat when baking them. Choose a cold pressed oil which leaves healthy enzymes in them for your body to use for digestion and nourishment.

Lastly one of the biggest mistakes made by those making the switch is over cooking and cooking all of their meals. Mass media has informed us that meat and dairy consumption are two major ways to get vital nutrients into our bodies. Though more and more people are coming into the knowledge that Plant life is full of the protein, vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function at optimal health. They seem to be overlooking one major thing. At least 50 percent or more of your plant based food should be uncooked or lightly cooked for an individual to reap it's many benefits. Whether you juice your fruits and vegetables, have a smoothie or just decide to have a salad (easy on the dressing) you need "live" foods in your regimen for proper nourishment.

Even though the term "Vegan" sounds trendy, cool and wonderfully California. When accepting the challenge it's just as important to know what to add in when you start cutting things out!

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